Vol. 31, Issue 3, March 2023
- Julie's Scoop
- Quote of the Day
- Krazy Kontests
- A few of our Favourite things
- Real Estate Market
- Mortgage Rates
- Feeling like Giving Back?
- The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs (Genuine Evidence of Merit)
- What They Got - More of our happy buyers & sellers!
Julie's Scoop
Hope you had a happy March Break (& St Patty’s Day) - whether you were away or not! I still find the world revolves around the school holidays. Certainly real estate does use them as cornerstones. What a month of snow! Made up for the gentle January. Now with the time change, days are getting longer, temps are improving, let's hope spring comes soon!
You will see in my short video synopsis of the market right now that we are in record low #’s for new listings on the market - 41% less than last year at the same time. That is a theme through all the types from condo-towns-houses. Since supply and demand are what drive prices and real estate activity, the lack of inventory is creating alot of bidding wars again if priced correctly - and fast sales, pre-emptive offers etc. etc.. Yup! There are quite a few buyers trying their luck, and waiting for more to come available, which will help balance it.
Affordability does continue to be a difficult issue in the Toronto market though with these higher interest rates. See mortgage section for info and if you are in the market we can refer you to ensure you receive the most competitive rates and best overall strategy for you.

Jay and Nelson receiving the Double Platinum award for the Julie Kinnear Team
A bunch of us were not able to make our company awards ceremony this year, unfortunately. The JKT are proud recipients of the prestigious Double Platinum Award for 2022. We are extremely grateful to the trust of our clients and referrals for such an honour. Way to go to Jay & Nelson for representing!
We have alot of clients gearing up to sell, if they could find a place to buy first, which is often the domino that is holding back more transactions. Please let me know if you have any friends, family or colleagues needing confidential advice that they can count on to make these major decisions.
Did you enjoy the Oscar’s Grand Prize JKT Krazy Kontest this month? Always so much FUN! A number of people who entered actually got all the questions correct - (NOT me I might add - ha). Winners are announced further down. Thanks for entering!
guiding you home™,
Quote of the Day:
Krazy Kontest Winners…Kongratulations!
Krazy Kontest Winners… Love supporting LOCAL!
Our February Winner was Jen Drome! Jen chose a $75 GC to Gusto 101 Italian restaurant!
Kongratulations to February Krazy Kontest winner!
Kongratulations to our Grand Prize winners of our annual March Kontest! Everyone who enters in any month all year long gets to be in the draw, and the more times you enter, the more lucky you are, as the more chances you have to win!
Here are the 5 winners who each receive a $200 Gift cert. To THEIR chosen favourite local resto!
1. Fontaine Wai-Foley
2. Lauren Harvey
3. Ellie Couperthwaite
4. Jennifer Hart
5. Beth Hamill
The JKT - A few of our Favourite Things:
Market Watch ~ Market Adjustment - See Below for CITY OF TORONTO results.
Watch Julie's analysis:
Julie's Market Moment - March Toronto Real Estate Analysis
Mortgage Rates
Message from Sherry Mae at Outline Financial: "This week in the mortgage world… as 2023 continues to be a year like no other!
- BofC overnight rate: 4.50% - current Prime Lending Rate 6.70%
- Next announcement April 12, 2023
- Please see the latest 5 year mortgage rate grid
What happened last week in the US - Silicon Valley Banks has caused a lot of fear in the markets and that in turn has brought some downward pressure on fixed rates, bringing us back to the mid 4%-5% range.
We have been seeing some additional discounts available for clients moving forward with an actual purchase (vs just a pre-approval) with rates as low as 4.50% for 3 yrs fixed. However, this all depends on the timing, the lender and the client scenario.
Anyone that has already bought and secured an approval with the closing is 30+ days from now, it would be a great idea for them to look at what other options are available to them."
Feeling like Giving Back?
The Hunger Project Canada
The Hunger Project is part of the solution to end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centred strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.
Ending hunger is people-powered. People are the driving force behind ending hunger by 2030.
Up to 811 million people live in chronic hunger. 60% of people living in hunger are women. 98% of people suffering from undernourishment live in low-and middle-income countries.
Get to know this amazing charity that is making such a difference.
Phone: (416) 429-0023
If you are in the position to pay it forward, please donate to one of these worthy charities during this time. 💕
The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs (Genuine Evidence of Merit)
A company's success is strongly impacted by the customer reviews and for those of us in real estate, Google reviews and Facebook reviews create the biggest impact. We are asking for your help to go online and add your input and we will happily donate to a charity of your choice for your efforts!
You can do it on Google Maps here (it's very very important that youwrite a comment as well in addition to the rating), or you can also leave the same review on JKT's Facebook page here by clicking on "Yes" next to the "Do you recommend the JKT?" It's true, 5* reviews are almost as precious as a referral nowadays!
Interested in new build condos and townhouses? We have access to pre-public sales of new developments. Be sure to get in touch to take advantage of this leg up!
What They Got - More of our happy buyers & sellers!
A continuing column of the Julie Kinnear Team's sales...
79 Clendenan Ave in High Park North - represented seller |
Did You Know? We have a large number of awesome trusted realtors in different towns and communities across Ontario, Canada and Internationally. Just get in touch so we can introduce you.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the service we provide that you gladly refer us to your friends and family before you've even bought or sold with us.