Satisfaction Report

How did we do?

Please tell us about your experience working with The Julie Kinnear Team - your valued feedback is critically important to us and to our future clients.

As a token of our appreciation for your time, we will send a donation to the charity of your choice:

  • for those who leave one review on either of the the social media channels mentioned below, the JKT will donate $20,
  • for those who leave reviews on at least two social media channels, the JKT will donate $30.

You'll be helping your future referrals and a worthy cause!

There are a few ways how to leave a review:

  • You can do it on Google Maps here. It’s very very important that you write a comment as well in addition to the rating. This is the most impactful type of review.
  • You can also leave the same review on JKT's Facebook page here, by clicking on "Yes" next to the "Do you recommend The Julie Kinnear Team?"
  • Or on Yelp here, by clicking on "Write a Review" on top of the page.

Thank you in advance from our Team and the Charity of your choice!


Charity of your choice:

Pathways to Education Program - helping less privileged young people succeed
The Northern Dog Project - helping with the over-population of dogs in the Northern Cree communities, educating the children on proper health care for their pets
The Ride To Conquer Cancer - providing vital funds for Princess Margaret Hospital in support of the doctors, researchers and caregivers on the front lines of the battle against cancer
E2 Equality Effect - uses human rights law to make the rights of girls & women real, so that they can be safe from sexual violence, get an education, and fulfil their economic potential
Toronto Humane Society - providing high quality care to the animals who are surrendered to the shelter and finds them forever homes as quickly as possible
Daily Bread Food Bank - fighting hunger in local communities by providing support and preparing meals for shelters, hostels, and other food programs
Habitat for Humanity - empowering people in the world’s poorest communities to overcome the chronic lack of decent, affordable housing
Camp Oochigeas - providing kids with and affected by childhood cancer with unique opportunities for growth through fun & enriching experiences
Any other charity of your choice:

Your Name:

And additional questions (not required)

What did you enjoy the most and the least about selling or buying your home?

Were there any areas that could have been improved upon or handled better?

Why did you decide to work with The Julie Kinnear Team?

Would you recommend The Julie Kinnear Team to a friend or relative?