Claudio and Marcela


Claudio and Marcela had pinpointed a desire to live in one particular building in the High Park Neighbourhood. At the time there wasn't anything available in the building that spoke to them. Holly did some research and found a condo that had been on the market for awhile the previous year but hadn't sold. It had in fact been taken off the market. Holly contacted the owner with a convincing letter, the seller agreed to let Claudio and Marcela see the condo and within a week they'd bought it for less money than the seller was asking. The next step was to sell their house in The Beach. After a consultation with Holly they had a list of improvements to help their house sell faster and for more money as well as a list of tradespeople whom Claudio and Marcela refer to as "brilliant." They received one offer at the list price and Holly was able to negotiate an even higher price.