The Inukshuk, and what it means to us
An "inukshuk" [plural: inuksuit], is an Inuit word that literally translated means "stone man that points the way." Inukshuks are stone cairns that were erected by Inuit at prominent locations throughout the barrens to serve as guideposts or markers. They were also erected to help herd caribou during their annual migration towards where they could be more easily hunted by the ancient Inuit.
Lifelike figures of rock, they are erected by the Inuit and stand along Canada's most northern shores. They are Inukshuk (pronounced In-OOK-Shook), which is an Inuit word meaning "in the image of man."
Guiding you home... the Inukshuk has always felt special to us. They are awesome, as the sheer size is overwhelming. The Inukshuk symbolism is far reaching - they were a beacon to those looking for the right direction and a safe passage.
Inukshuks can now be seen in people's gardens and yards, on the shores by their cottages, out front of condominiums, in the boardroom. There are stunning pieces of art in all shapes & sizes, from silver coins to mini rock figurines, to gorgeous oil paintings.
Our team has chosen the Inukshuk to symbolize our business. We are here to guide you safely and comfortably through the sale and/or purchase of your cherished asset, your home. We are not just here for today but for life. Our goal is to employ our combined experience and expertise to assist you to realize your housing dreams.

Inukshuk by Viv Lynch
Ancient symbols of Inuit culture traditionally used as landmarks and navigation aids, this grey granite statue representing a human form with outstretched arms is a well-known symbol in Canada of northern hospitality and friendship,
text from the plaque to be found at the foot of an inukshuk situated at the southern end of English Bay Beach.
The inuksuk... is a metaphor. It reminds [the elders] of the time when people were attached to the land by an unbroken thread of reference, when they created great dancing circles, built fish weirs, placed huge inuksuit on hilltops, made traps to catch the most cunning animals, and communicated by rearranging or shaping fragments of the landscape,
quote from the Insuksuit: Silent Messengers of the Arctic by Norman Hallendy.
World's Tallest Inukshuk is in Ontario - Meet Little Joe
Ontario is home to the world's tallest Inukshuk. According to the Guinness World Record it measures 11.377 metres tall (37 ft 3.9 in) by 8 metres wide, weighing 82,000 kg and was created by Mr. Jose Melo of Allstone Quarry Products Inc. (Canada) in Schomberg, Ontario, Canada on 13 September 2007.