The JKT Easter 2020 Kolouring Kontest

Guess who dressed as the Easter Bunny
for one of our Pumpkin Patches?
Julie & Holly having a ball!

Easter is around the corner and what could be better to do during this holiday if not spreading some Easter Bunny love? Time to be creative while we all #stayhome #staysafe!

(And hey… The Easter Bunny is now officially an Essential Service!!)

Join our virtual Easter Kolouring Kontest - fun for kids & the whole family!

The rules are simple: visit online colouring website and pick image you like: A, B or print the one included in here. You and/or your kids can do it virtuallyor print it out and colour it with anything you like. Remember to send us pictures of your finished images to our e-mail address at by next Friday April 17/20 to enter!

For every entry, we will be donating $ to support:

Stand TOgether - Feed Our HEROES

Deadline to send in your entry is April 17/20! We can’t wait to see your works of art! Xo

We are ALL in this together.

JK coloring sheet in PDF (print version)

One comment on “The JKT Easter 2020 Kolouring Kontest

  1. Hey there! Just stumbled upon The JKT Easter 2020 Kolouring Kontest – what a fantastic way to embrace the Easter spirit! Can’t think of a better way to spread Easter Bunny love than getting creative during the holiday break. Count me in!

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