First-time Buyer Adam Referred the JKT to His Friends and Family


Adam: "I was introduced to Holly through my sister who worked with her buying a condo actually in Toronto, which is near Dufferin station. And she was really happy with the work that Holly has done for her and done with her, so she referred her to me when I was looking to buy a house with my family. And she was fantastic, she helped us through every step!

As first time home buyers it was difficult, obviously, to know all the different things we needed to know and Holly was very patient, and very kind, and she helped us deal with the vendors, who were sometimes a little difficult to deal with. She was wonderful as a liaison between us and them, with the different offers that we put in, and she gave us very good advice. By the end of it you realized that it’s difficult to buy a house and Holly Chandler was really helpful in just making that transition from renting to owning very smooth.

She was wonderful, she helped us with things we didn’t even know we needed help with, and it was really great to the point where I was happy to recommend her to my cousin, to friends, to coworkers and I had nothing but great feedback from them. It’s wonderful to work with somebody that you feel comfortable giving their name to anyone and you know that you’re gonna get nothing but positive reviews back. It always looks good on yourself and it’s just nice to connect people. And Julie Kinnear and Holly Chandler were fantastic in all that."


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