Nearly two years ago, we were lucky enough to meet Sarah & Don - a recently married couple who were relocating to Toronto from Edmonton. They were referred to us by other friends who had worked with us. We were impressed right away with their warm, friendly personalities and the logic, determination and good spirits with which they approached the home-buying process. Within two weeks, they had bought a beautiful condo in High Park! They promptly invited our Team over during the holiday season and we shared good food and laughter. We felt we were so fortunate to know Sarah and Don, because they epitomize our philosophy of loving life.

Sarah and Don Banks
We stayed in touch with Sarah and Don with lots of phone calls & emails - easy to do, as we share plenty of common hobbies like movies, home decorating, hockey and writing - and after just a year in their condo, they said they were ready to make the leap to owning a home as they were planning for a family! We helped them find a lovely home in the family-friendly Woodbine Gardens neighbourhood, and they were thrilled. Sarah & Don finally had a home of their own with a backyard, and wanted to have a family to share all their blessings with. However, they found themselves unable to concieve, and after a long fertility battle, have made the decision to adopt.
We believe in synchronicity and the universe lining up to provide results in the most unexpected ways - so we'd like to ask you to help Sarah & Don make their dream of parenthood come true. We know they would be loving, wonderful parents! In their own words:
Our powerful desire to be parents is difficult to put into words. We believe in our hearts that a child will open up a wonderful new dimension in our lives. As parents, we have much to give but we also feel strongly that the child will teach us just as much about ourselves as much as we will teach them through the years.
Please view Sarah & Don's adoption profile! [ link removed, Sarah & Don are now successful parents! Congratulations! ]
And Sarah and Don have a photogallery online
Please take a moment to read their profile and if you would like to help, please forward the link to everyone you know! Thank you so much. Don and Sarah are eternally grateful.