Junction Triangle
The Julie Kinnear Team is one of several realtors who are sponsoring the Junction Triangle Rail Committee. Our donation will help fund their campaign to persuade the Ontario provincial government to upgrade its massive diesel train expansion scheme along the Georgetown corridor to electric rail.
On October 2, The Committee is staging a Scotiabank Nuit Blanche art installation on the Wallace Avenue pedestrian bridge. Created by local
artist Richard Mongiat, the bridge over the Georgetown rail corridor will be transformed into a huge, shimmering chandelier. Every three
minutes, the whoosh of an electric train racing by in the darkness – quiet, clean, efficient – will add a subtle but unmistakable element
to the piece.
The JTR Committee believes that international criticism of this rail project will lead the Ontario government to change its policy.
To find out more information please visit both the Junction Triangle Rail Committee web site (www.junctiontriangle.ca/rail) and the Rail of Light Scotiabank Nuit Blanche web site (www.railoflight.ca).