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We're pleased to announce that you now have the chance to see our client, writer and actress Meredith Vuchnich, appear on the silver screen. 'Love is Work' is finally here, in a movie theatre near you this weekend!! "The little movie that could" has won several prestigious film festival awards and has been highly acclaimed. We are so proud of Meredith...you can also check her out on TalkBack: A Film Artist Salon at The Drake Hotel (1150 Queen St.) on Sunday, June 10th 2007, 1:00 PM., where she'll be discussing the making of this much talked about film as well as exploring the actor/director relationship. This afternoon of intimate conversations with some of Toronto finest talent is FREE with proof of purchase (movie ticket stub) from one of the opening weekend screenings of Love is Work, playing at Canada Square. Without a movie ticket stub, door admission is $10.00. Seats are limited, so it is recommended to RSVP to to guarantee your spot for the Talkback.