About the Toronto Green Community:
We are a grass roots environmental organization and we encourage you to explore these pages and learn how you can become involved in environmental programs and initiatives that will help create healthier and more sustainable communities. Join us for one of our informative programs, roll up your sleeves and help with a program or volunteer with a committee or program and help us make Toronto a healthier and greener place to live.
Think globally, act locally!
Annual General Meeting
Monday, April 23 (5:30 - 6:30 pm)
Metro Hall (Queen and John Street), 55 John Street, Room 304
Followed by
Christina Sharma
who will speak about
Songbird Conservation;
Creating Habitat In Residential areas and Parkland "CHIRP!"
(7 - 9 pm)
Free, Refreshments will be served
Visit our website for information on free weekend nature walks and hikes you can participate in!!