Vol. 23, Issue 4, July 2015
Happy Summer to my fabulous friends and clients,
Hope you are enjoying yourselves immensely. Since our actual summers are so short – please be sure to take in as much as you can. And hopefully you can go out and make pretty special memories. Be it reading a book, lying on a beach, exercising, playing with the kids and pets, boating, camping, hiking, travelling Canada or the world. Try and be present. Try and put the phone / text / email / social media down temporarily and take it all in. I heard recently someone describe Canadians as feeling like the great outdoors is our religion. I concur. I feel like I am experiencing a bit of heaven on earth just going for a walk in the woods or being on the water.
I took this advice to heart over the past month with an amazing day with my Family out West at the cottage on Gambier Island near Vancouver, as well as a wonderful cruise down the Danube River in Central Europe. In BC the towering fir trees, surrounding rough mountains and deep ocean waters studded and the Old World along the waterways exudes civilized beauty, charm and intellectual challenge in beautiful cities also surrounded by ancient mountains, waters, Roman ruins, thermal hot springs and vineyards, castles and churches. All of it grounds me in the present in my life.
We try always to be present in the Seasons of Real Estate as well. The end of June is a very important marker to determine the year's success or direction. The larger portion of our business happens in the first 6 months of the year although prices rise and people make decisions all year round. We are fortunate that our team continues to be one of the leading real estate teams in our brokerage and across Canada. It makes us very happy to have been a part of the positive changes in so many clients lives already this year. We are grateful that our combination of real estate knowledge including experience, successful negotiating skills and connections will help our future and returning clients with their transactions through our trusted advice.
Since our last newsletter lots has happened with The Team.

Tyler wedding June 2015
Tyler got married – twice! Both on the beach in Mexico and with friends and Family in Toronto.
I rode in the Ride to Conquer Cancer from Toronto to Niagara Falls with 8 other teammates and together we raised $31,705.

Jen marked a big milestone birthday in her life by visiting family in Madrid, and enjoying a Mediterranean Cruise with her sisters and Mother, along with volunteering with IFAW Northern Dog Project again, plus adopting her new 1 year old rescue dog Sherman.
I got to take that dream vacation with my Mother Brenda – visiting both my brother Alec, his partner Lucia and meeting my (if I do say so myself) my sweet very cute baby nephew Constantin. I loved seeing my brother's offices (where our website is based!) too in the centre of the Old Town of Bratislava – very cool vibe. Certainly is a different life in these old European cities.

Jules and Constantin Bratislava 2015
Holly is off on “Holly days” now visiting family and friends out West. Claire enjoyed a holiday up north – renting a cottage. Steph has had a lot of fun celebrating milestones with her friends and looks forward to much more time up north at their family cottage on Catchacoma Lake.
Wishing you a continued great summer! If moving is in your plans remember now is the time to prep for the Fall market. If you are thinking of selling do you have any questions on where to fix/improve to get the most bang for your buck? Call us today and it will be our pleasure to come out to give you guidance and a free consultation.
guiding you home,
P.S. Ask us about our new office and focus on the Central areas of Toronto!
P.P.S. It's time to prep for the Fall market. Do you know someone who may have questions on where to fix/improve and get the most bang for your buck as they are thinking of selling? Call us today for a free consultation.
QUOTE of the day:
"A life without love is like a year without summer."
Swedish Proverb
Chit chat…
- The Julie Kinnear Team is expanding to better serve our central clients! We are opening a satellite office at Yonge & Davisville September 1st. Jen & Claire are very passionate about the central market as they both live in Leaside. They will both be working from there and would love to help any family, friends or co-workers you know looking to buy and sell. Just let us know how we can help!
- Colleen Croy-Gibbons is so proud of her granddaughter Kyla who joined her friend to grow her hair for the kid’s wigs campaign. She dedicated 2 years to grow out her hair, which was sometimes challenging but never gave up! A big congrats Kyla and happy 10th birthday!
- Best wishes to all of you Graduates out there. Too many to mention... including all those kids moving on from Grade 6 into the big leagues of Grade 7... For those graduating high school, university, college etc. You worked hard and deserve all of our support and congrats!

Alec & Constantine
- Alec Kinnear and Lucia Spisiakova are happy first time parents to the most adorable baby boy! Constantin Wayne Kinnear was born on April 2nd, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia and growing fast into his stylish European wardrobe. A big congrats from all of us Alec & Lucia.
- Matthew McLean & Ali O’Sullivan welcome their first baby Foster Campbell McLean born at a very healthy 9 pounds and 3 ounces. A huge congrats guys!
Record Sales and Strong Price Growth in June
July 7, 2015 - Toronto Real Estate Board President Mark McLean announced that Greater Toronto Area REALTORS® reported 11,992 sales through TREB’s MLS® System in June 2015. This result represented a new record for the month of June and an 18.4% increase over the June 2014 result of 10,132.
"As I begin my term as TREB President, I think it is important to point out that our region continues to grow in response to our diverse economic, ethnic and cultural bases. The GTA consistently receives international accolades as one of the best places in the world to live and do business. As the number of households grow, many of them will take advantage of the diversity of affordable home ownership opportunities that exist in Toronto and the surrounding areas," said Mr. McLean.
Selling prices were up markedly on a year-over-year basis in June, for all major home types. The MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) Composite Benchmark was up by 8.9% in comparison to June 2014. The average selling price was up by 12.3% over the same period to $639,184.
High-end homes have accounted for a greater share of overall transactions this year compared to last year. This is the key reason why the average selling price has increased at a greater annual rate than the MLS® HPI Composite Benchmark.
"It is encouraging to see that new listings have edged upward so far this year, as homeowners have reacted to strong home price growth and have looked to take advantage of increased equity in their homes. However, the annual rate of sales growth continues to far outstrip listings growth, which means that there remains a lot of willing buyers in the marketplace who haven’t found a home that meets their needs. As long as this situation persists, expect home prices to trend strongly upward," said Jason Mercer, TREB’s Director of Market Analysis.
Sales & Average Price by Major Home Type in the 416 area in June 2015
$1,051,912 – Detached
$761,819 – Semi-detached
$539,259 – Townhouse
$418,599 – Condo
Feeling like Giving Back?
The Trace Manes Playground Rejuvenation Project IN MEMORY OF GEORGIA WALSH
On July 16th, 2014, Georgia Grace Walsh, a beloved 7 year old daughter stepped off the curb on a green light, and within seconds her life tragically came to a sudden and unexpected end. Georgia’s accident struck a chord with families across the GTA, for one simple reason. Georgia could easily have been your child. But the family never wanted this terrible fate to send the wrong message: That your children aren’t safe in their own neighbourhood, or that your kids can’t leave home without you.
Help them make this dream a reality. They are working hard to make sure the Leaside children of tomorrow have a place outside of their home and within their community that celebrates their need for independence, in a SAFE and nurturing environment.
In addition to creating a state of the art park and lasting memorial to Georgia Walsh, Trace Manes Park is greatly in need of improvement. Find out what their $1million dollar goal will achieve
Save the date – August 29th, 2015 – Be sure to attend the 1st Annual Georgia Walsh Memorial All Star Game and Fun Fair at Trace Manes Park.
Go to to donate.
Many of our clients have had their personal experiences with The JKT caught on video instead of the regular written word – they're even posted on YouTube! We so appreciate your kind testimonials. Our YouTube channel is growing exponentially and has had over 234,220 hits!
6 Fun Facts About Our Very Own Stephanie Mitchell

Stephanie Mitchell
1) If you had a warning label, what would yours say? - Danger: Authorized Personnel Only!
2) If you could have any celebrity’s hair whose would it be? Sofia Vergara (and the body to go with it would be nice too)
3) Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? I went to Girvan, Scotland with my mom in Grade 8 to visit my dad's side of the family.
4) What’s the worst pick up line you've heard? Good thing I have my library card with me, cuz I'm checking you out! (true story, O'Tooles in the 90's)
5) What's your favourite board game? I loved playing Monopoly just so I could be the banker. I loved that paper money!
6) What’s your most expensive piece of clothing? It would hands down have to be my hot pink and black Lucchese Cowboy boots recently purchased in Nashville TN!
The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs (Genuine Evidence of Merit)
"We interviewed 4 or 5 teams and the JK team was most impressive in terms of competence, record, and just seemed to be good people to work with. We had such a good experience, on both buying and selling."
Leslie & Neil
What they got!
More of our happy buyers have found their new home!! A continuing column of the Julie Kinnear Team’s sales…
See a For Sale Sign/Sold you were wondering about? We are happy to let you know about houses in your neighbourhood - feel free to contact Steph at:

285A Indian Grove ~ Junction
List Price: $849,900
Sold Over Asking Price

155 Dalhousie St #654
~ Downtown Corridor
List Price: $1,150,000
Sold Under Asking

463 Armadale Avenue
~ Bloor West Village
List Price: $739,000
Sold Over Asking

21 Cassels Ave East ~ East End
List Price: $849,900
Sold For Asking

90 Sparkhall Avenue
~ North Riverdale
List Price: $647,500
Sold Over Asking

1 Balmoral Avenue #204
List Price: $450,000
Sold Under Asking
Our Purpose
Our purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the service we provide that you gladly refer us to your friends and family before you’ve even bought or sold with us!
Mortgage rates – Courtesy of Carrie Davidson
Dominion Lending Centres Service First Mortgages #12089 License #M08003121 Phone: 416-693-6946

Some conditions may apply. Rates subject to change without notice! *O.A.C. E. & O.E.
The JKT – A few of our Favourite things:
♦ Taking the GO train out to spend the weekend at my very good long time friend Elaine! She lives in Fenwick, ON. Never heard of it until I got there. It’s a lovely little town in the Estates of Pelham! I look forward to visiting the wineries that were on the road to her house next time.
♦ Tinto Bar De Tapas on Bayview in Leaside. Holy moly can you say flavour! Every dish was delish, the escargot was my fave and the staff was so knowledgeable.
♦ Taste of Toronto - Ashley and I went to Taste of Toronto (located at Fort York) for the first time. We tried all sorts of awesome food and drinks from the most popular restaurants and micro-breweries in Toronto, while enjoying live music and food demonstrations by famous chefs like Alvin Leung and Master Chef Canada winner Eric Chong. We'll definitely be going again next year!
♦ IFAW's Northern Dog Project - I was lucky enough to volunteer for a week with the Northern Dog Project. We went to 2 James Bay Cree communities with a mobile vet team to do spay/neutering and vaccinations. It is wonderful to speak to the Cree and see how they live. Many of them I have seen year after year bringing their dogs in for their vaccination. It was on this trip that I fell in love with Sherman, my new yellow lab!! After driving in a van together for 17 hours, I didn't want to say goodbye! To support, adopt or learn more about this Northern Dog Project
♦ Pop-up Farmer's markets - there is a pop-up market at the corner of McRae and Sutherland. They have seasonal fruits and veggies - so fresh and so convenient!!
♦ The city dump for garbage and recycling – we went down to Commissioners Street. It is quick and easy and FREE to take all your household paints or used batteries etc to the Toronto Drop off sites – they are helpful and do a great job keeping our environment green by making sure we get rid of them appropriately.
♦ Viking River cruises. My Mom & I had always heard about these long boats travelling up and down the inner rivers of Europe. It was so nice to be able to explore each day a new city while never to unpack or move hotel rooms. Viking created a very enjoyable and relaxing environment as we travelled up the Danube from Budapest, Hungary through to Passau, Germany.