Kinnear's Komments
Volume 19, Issue 2
March 2011
Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh!" he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
~A.A. Milne
Julie's Scoop

Photo by Joost J. Bakker
It is such fun writing this newsletter – along with the website it seems to be an extremely popular way for our JKT community of friends and clients to stay connected. So please be sure to submit your news for each newsletter. I love hearing others news as well!
Had a great ski day with my god–daughter Erica @ Osler Bluff Ski Club in Feburary and the rest of the Jamieson/Bertram clan.
Our team had a really fun get away in January up to Jen's "Hacienda" in Belfountain. We are a close-knit group and really enjoying together time in and out of work. We all just celebrated our awards as well – as you know we were honoured with reaching #17 in Canada (out of 14,200).
March is a busy month with the spring market heating up and it is the 18th anniversary of my real estate licence. I feel very blessed to have such a rewarding career – every day is filled with new challenges, new energy, new learning. The cool thing and one of my great passions is how the technology keeps changing and evolving - and being a bit of a computer nerd, I'm just loving it! Have you seen our video testimonials on Facebook, or twitter or YouTube and our site? It is a great honour to have clients speak in their own words their experience with our team. The video testimonial from Susan Wood recently was especially poignant for this anniversary – as she has observed my/our business grow and evolve and happily help so many amazing amazing people.

Photo by Sebastian Anthony
Incredibly - we've actually had over 35000 hits on YouTube channel! And it keeps going! You can see the video tours of all the properties we've listed including inside the closets, the garage, the basement, the furnace, etc. hahaha and of course all the client testimonials.
This year deals wise so far the lack of inventory has resulted in less actual transactions as noted in the Market Watch from TREB section, but it has also helped prices rise, as buyers are starved for homes to see and are keen. The new mortgage rules come into effect as of March 18, which also may have helped the market start early. We are seeing properties that have stayed on the market a long time finally sell, as well as new listings are selling in multiple offers. Now IS the time to list if you're hoping to make a move this year.
Go Leafs Go!

Photo by Jennifer Murawski
P.S. See enclosed for our 4th annual Kids Krazy Easter Kolouring Kontest – I know there are a bunch of kids out there who happily anticipate this newsletter and kontest. WE LOVE THE PICTURES WE RECEIVE BACK – please send in yours today! We've posted them up in our office and have scanned them so they are permanently in our revolving picture frame.
Attention children under 12! Grand prize winner receives a fab Easter Gift Basket and the winning artwork will be posted on Mail us your entries in by April 15th to be eligible – all entries win a treat!
Average Selling Price Up in February

Photo by Adam Pniak
MARKET WATCH excerpts from Toronto Real Estate Board - March 2011
TREB reported 14% lower # of transactions through TorontoMLS, than the record sales reported in February 2010 in the GTA.
While not representing a record, February 2011 sales were 50% higher than the number reported in February 2009 during the recession and slightly higher than the average February sales over the previous ten years.
"Continued improvement in the GTA economy, including growth in jobs and incomes and a declining unemployment rate, has kept the demand for ownership housing strong," said Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB) President Bill Johnston.
The average selling price for February 2011 transactions was $454,423, which was more than 5% higher than the average selling price reported in February 2010.
"Market conditions remain quite tight in the GTA. There is enough competition between home buyers to promote continued price growth," said Jason Mercer, TREB's Senior Manager of Market Analysis.
Median Price
Median Price In February, the median price was $379,000, from the $366,300 recorded during February of 2010.
Chit Chat

Photo by Kreg Steppe
Exciting news from the Lane household – Andrew Lane attended a Gala dinner in late January and received a Xerox Achievement Award for Business Development. It was to recognize the biz dev work he did in 2010. Congrats Andy!
Are you burning out, losing your drive, or feeling a bit too stressed? Maybe it's time to step back from it all and go on a Breakthrough Vacation, an amazing experience that will refresh your body and spirit, give you more balance, help you discover your passion, and leave you ready for your bigger, better life. Join our client Taylor Coburn's advance notification list at and ensure that you get pre-announcements before anybody else (rumor has it the next one is in Tuscany). Enjoy!
Photo by Chuck Coker -
Our client Chad Hamre is CEO of – an online ethical marketplace aiming to increase the awareness and consumption of ethical products and services in North America. Think about all those products ie. Fair Trade, Eco-Friendly, Organic, Animal Friendly, People Friendly, Social Change. They have a huge selection! Ethical Ocean will be on the season finale of Dragon's Den Good Luck! We are all rooting for you!
Spread the word… from Kristi Herold & Rol Miller - After 15 years of running the Sport & Social Club in Toronto, we are heading up north to Sudbury (and Kristi's hometown) to bring loads of fun sports and social activities. or find us on Facebook and become a fan! Great news Kristi & Rol!
Our client Wendy Wildfong MSW, PhD is organizing a special Hakomi weekend workshop with Donna Martin… April 8th - 10th. Helping people find higher ground in relationships: Applied mindfulness the Hakomi Way. For more details please visit Sounds amazing!
Our client Stephanie Long-Riley is branching out with her own business – Aging in Your Own Home - after working in the field for the majority of her career as an Occupational Therapist – this is a much needed resource so please pass it on. Stephanie Long-Riley, 416-465-2137 or See below:

Photo by Sara
Aging in your own home: Are you a senior who would like to remain living at home as long as possible but have concerns about home safety, falls, memory, mood, becoming homebound? Are you someone worried about your aging relative's ability to manage safely at home and not sure what services they need now or in the future? As an Occupational Therapist consultant with extensive experience in geriatrics and home modifications, I work with individuals, families and caregivers to maximize seniors' ability to age in place. I will assess your functioning with day to day activities in your home and provide you with a comprehensive plan to maximize your independence at home including helping you navigate community based services, make home modifications, obtain assistive devices, and provide caregiver education.
Feel free to give me a call to ask more about your specific situation and how I may help: Stephanie Long-Riley, 416-465-2137 or
Are you feeling like Giving Back?
Charity of the Month– The Ride To Conquer Cancer -

The Ride To Conquer Cancer
Countdown is on! Both Julie Kinnear (200kms) & Holly Chandler (200 miles) area once again are taking part in this epic 200km cycling event. We ride to raise money on behalf of the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation – the hospital that saved Julie's life when she was diagnosed with cancer.
This is now our 3rd year for the ride - despite the gruelling training schedule it is one of the proudest thing we have done. This year we return to the ride with last years Proud Mary's team and welcome new recruits (including Kathryn Kinnear & Allan MacDonald). Thank you for your support in the past, once again we are asking for your donations today.
To give – look up Proud Mary's, or Holly Chandler or Julie Kinnear @ the website!
For more information about The Princess Margaret, please visit
Did You Know?
Next month, the $150 million dollar remake of Total Recall is being filmed in Toronto – at Pinewood Toronto Studios on Commissioners' street by the waterfront. Movie money is back! Yay! It's good for the economy! Approximately half of a movie budget gets funnelled into the location of filming from rent/food/transportation/accomodations etc. According to Toronto Life Magazine... it IS a reason to Love Toronto and to embrace the stardust-sprinkled industry. We all agree!
Mortgage rates
Courtesy of Carrie Davidson AMP, Dominion Lending Phone: 416-693-6946
Fax: 416-693-4103

Some conditions may apply. Rates subject to change without notice. *O.A.C. E.& O.E.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the service we provide that you gladly refer us to your friends and family before you've even bought or sold with us!
The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs (Genuine Evidence of Merit)
"Dear Julie, tonight's negotiations was incredible! And we're both happy it ended the way it did.... We were so glad we had you to guide us through this - I had that thought many times this evening. Thanks for being so amazing! Thank you also for the yummy cookies they were really enjoyed by all." Priya and Ram
What They Got!
A continuing column of the Julie Kinnear Team's sales…

416 Jones Avenue
Riverdale/The Pocket
416 Jones Avenue
Asking Price $449,900
Selling Price $440,000

76 Willcocks
South Annex/U of T/Harbord Village
76 Willcocks
Asking Price $895,000
Selling Price $895,000

319 Shaw
Trinity Bellwoods
319 Shaw Street
Asking Price $799,900
Selling Price $782,000

1029 King St. West #823
Liberty Village
1029 King St. West #823
Asking Price $389,900
Selling Price $384,500/p>

8 Jerome street
High Park
8 Jerome
Asking Price $500,000
Selling Price $485,000

132 Humbercrest
Bloor West/Baby Point
132 Humbercrest
Asking Price $719,000
Selling Price $730,100
See a For Sale Sign/Sold you were wondering about? We are happy to let you know about houses in your neighbourhood - feel free to contact Steph at:
March 2011 editorial by JKT member Claire Hartviksen

Photo by Don Christner
The famous expression that March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb has me really wondering if that will be the case this month! As predicted by our furry little friend Punxsutawney Phil by not seeing his shadow as he emerged from his ceremonial burrow in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, on Groundhog Day, Phil, according to tradition, is said to have predicted an early spring. Although the actual weather forecast is that it will be cold and rainy.
Notable March days:
March 9th - Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
March 13th day light savings begins. This is one hour worth losing sleep over. Natural light makes a huge difference to mind body and spirit.
March 14th-18th March Break. Opportunity to spend quality time with the kids.

Photo by Steven Shigeo Yamada
March 17th St. Patrick's Day. This is Julie's favourite holiday! I think she just loves drinking green beer. The team does their annual trek to the pub to celebrate.
March 20th the first official day of Spring. A new season is upon us despite the weather!
Did you know….
March 7th 1876 Alexander Graham Bell was granted the first telephone patent.
March 10th 1862 first paper money was issued
March 17th 1845 rubber band was invented
March 18th 1965 first walk in space
March 25th 1882 first pancakes made in New York City
March 29th 1886 Coca-Cola was invented
March 30th 1858 first pencil with eraser patent
March 14th 1988 Annual Pi day
Some Famous March Birthdays
Albert Einstein - March 14th 1879
Michelangelo Buonarroti - March 6th 1475
Harry Houdini - March 24th 1874
Barbie – March 9th 1959
Big Bird – March 20th 1969
The JKT – A few of our Favourite things:
Live Theatre – every year my Mom (Sondy) and I subscribe to the Mirvish Theatre season. It is usually 6 or 7 productions, and with the odd exception, it is fantastic entertainment. I really enjoy the musicals... in the coming season we'll be seeing Mary Poppins and Hair! We haven't seen Billy Elliot yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing it! Anything that Elton John has had a hand in has got to be amazing! My Accountant – with tax time coming, I absolutely love my accountant. He is nice, patient, and does an amazing job!!
I love showing off our great city to out of town friends and clients. The Cheese Boutique on Ripley recently made an out of town foodie friend tear up with envy. This show of emotion was soon replaced with unabashed enthusiasm and a shopping spree that left them wild eyed and grinning at the check-out American Idol. Sure it has been around forever but until now, I'd never really watched it (should I be admitting this?) The depth of talent is remarkable!

Photo by Meg Lessard
Wearing flips flops in March while in Barbados! See you in a week! Weekly Thursday night drinks after Art Class with my friend Jacqueline. Being a Pisces and Happy Birthday to all my fellow Pisceans, Carol, Bri, Jaq, Hank, Elaine, Libby, Julie, Charlotte and of course Justin Bieber!!
Kind referrals from family and friends. It is a great feeling when the people the closest to you trust and believe in you. Boston Pizza at Yonge & Eglinton. This is mine and my son's new favourite place to grab a quick bite. The manager and staff are really amazing there. The food is quick and yummy and my son can watch his beloved sports (perish the thought of a meal without a game of some sort). The month of March, lots of exciting things going on!
Julie & the Trip Advisor app for Ipad. I'm not sure where I've been as apparently I am the last to know about this terrific site. We are planning a trip to Italy to celebrate Mary's big milestone and having this resource with real live reviews from other travellers is invaluable. I've always loved Consumer Reports, and on-line shopping like LL Bean for the input from the public. Trip Advisor does that and a lot more. Now to make it even better – we all need to add our 2 cents worth after our trips!