Gia Rana’s Really Good Restaurant (4votes) ShareTweetShareEmail0 SharesNW Corner Leslie & Queen East - 1220 Queen St. E. 416 469-5225ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Julie Kinnear More places Comments about “Gia Rana’s Really Good Restaurant” Julie said on January 5th, 2007 Super fun atmosphere, staff, delicious casual Italian dining. Great for a crowd. Excellent value. Neera said on June 18th, 2008 My girls were raving about this place so they took me – it is great – delicious food, casual, friendly atmosphere – great service and very reasonable, Patrick Munn said on July 26th, 2008 Amazing food and drinks and fun atmosphere. I highly recommend. Reasonably priced. Go with some friend and try eveything you can! C. Camel said on May 20th, 2009 While the atmosphere lacks elegance it is very unique. The nose on the front of the restaurant says it all. You can dine here dressed casually and feel comfortable in knowing that no one is looking at you like you’re a leper just because you’re wearing jeans and a t-shirt. The pork involenti was some of the best meat I’ve ever had. Tender and delicious, even the pig was happy his carcass turned out so tasty. The waiter was honest and friendly letting us know the best and worst things on the menu and he was also prompt and careful never to let our drinks go empty. Prices are reasonable, food is delcious. We had an amazing time. Would definitely return. Add a comment about this place; Tell us about you Your name Your email (will not be published) Your website (optional) Tell us what you are recommending Your rating No rating - comment only 1 stars 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Your review (more than five words) What is the colour of a lemon? (Not a riddle - just a trap for spambots!)