April 2020 Krazy Kontest April 1, 2020 ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Today we embrace this beautiful sunny day which reminds us to appreciate the small things in life that we sometimes take for granted. We know how hard this time is for everyone both financially and emotionally and the fear of our loved ones becoming sick is on top of our mind. We hope our little Krazy Kontest will help to lift your spirits today :) This month's lucky winner will receive a $25.00 Netflix Gift Card Just answer the following trivia question. Good luck! Just answer the following skill testing question for your chance to win! One correct answer to the following skill-testing question will be drawn: Which technological innovation was once famously believed to be an April Fool's Day prank? Microsoft Windows The Internet Bluetooth Gmail This contest has closed! You can check the winner at April Krazy Kontest Winner ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares