2008 September Krazy Kontest September 1, 2008 Comments Off on 2008 September Krazy Kontest ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Can you believe the gorgeous weather? It's typical - now that summer's officially over, it's hot & nice out. In case the soggy summer prevented you from driving as much as you normally would, we'd like to help you take full advantage of these warm temperatures with a chance to WIN a $25 gas card! $25 may not fill 'er up anymore, but it's a nice start. Please answer the skill-testing question for your chance to WIN! Just answer the following skill testing question for your chance to win! One correct answer to the following skill-testing question will be drawn: What is Annexation? When Starbucks comes to your neighbourhood. When your neighbourhood begins to boast a high ratio of futon stores to people. When a parcel of land adjacent to another is incorporated. When a metropolitan area needs additional land to grow, it annexes land from nearby. Both 3 and 4 This contest has closed! ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares