Chase your dreams
by Ignacio Palomo Duarte
Have you ever considered becoming a real estate agent?
If you wish to make your childhood dreams come true or just find an attractive position then real estate courses may be a good match. Whether you are a fresh graduate, unemployed, or you wish to pursue a new prospective in your life, real estate could be the right choice for you. It comes as no surprise that a rocketing career in the real estate sector depends on various aspects. Even though some level of previous experience is considered beneficial, there are plenty other qualities that create a good starting point. That is why you should get some information first.
Before you enroll in a specialized course, try to understand the true essence of this job. Reflect on qualities that could contribute to success in relation to the realistic image of yourself. Personal freedom, a satisfying career, and long-term benefits are well worth the effort. But there is more than this bright side. Being indisputably a job where excellent people skills are a must, as a real estate agent, you are required to communicate with customers on a daily basis. The ideal candidate should possess verbal skills and a natural feeling of how to deal with people, as well as flexibility, responsibility, and attentive listening skills. Real estate agents should avoid incessant talking, derogatory comments, and lying.
Still enthusiastic? Then you should check out the legal requirements. You have met the very basic criteria when you are at least 18 years old with a Canadian high school diploma (or equivalent) and you speak English fluently. Before obtaining a license and thus becoming a licensed real estate agent in Toronto, you need to attend a specialized course and pass what is called the Provincial Real Estate Qualifying Examination. The exams may be done through the Toronto Real Estate Board (TREB), online, or by correspondence.
Students complete three mandatory subjects within a period of 18 months – though for most candidates, it takes just about six. Regular coursework includes discussions, case studies, and practical exercises. A course participant should gain thorough knowledge of fundamental principles under the supervision of educated specialists. Once you have studied for and completed the courses successfully, you are certified and able to sell real estate under a brokerage in Ontario. Meanwhile, you enter the next phase, called the two-year articling phase, which is supposed to further deepen the knowledge you acquired previously.
Offer of Real Estate Courses in Toronto

Study by The Master
Shake Signal
There are plentiful possibilities to find the right course for you. Some of the well known institutions include:
The Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) is the leading institution in the area with a great variety of courses. Its website may also serve as a good career information source.
Real Estate Study with its learning facilities in Toronto, Mississauga, and Rexdale will probably fit well with those who aim to finish the course as quickly as possible. The course track may take as little as four weeks. It is possible to attend one-on-one coaching with tutors outside of the classroom via email and phone.
Ontario Real Estate Tutor also offers one-on-one real estate courses with an individualized approach and a guarantee that students will not fail the exam on the first try.
Real Estate Institute of Canada attracts prospective students with specialized courses in a variety of real estate topics. Apart from standard coursework to qualify for the exam, they also include a popular home study program.
It may take you some time to find the right course. Be sure your choice will be the most suitable for you. It is the first step you are going to make in a long journey that will not end with obtaining your license. A real estate career is a challenging road and ever-changing road. The market is a dynamic place; new technologies appear rapidly and legislation is constantly changing. Thus, knowledge is truly power in the real estate sector.