Vol. 24, Issue 1, January 2016
Julie's Scoop
Happy New Year! What a magical time of year, to relax, regroup, refocus, and take some time to reflect on our past year, and look forward to the next. One thing that I have learned is that the only thing we can truly change is our present, so with a dream/vision and a general plan, then it is time to take action. I loved this posting I saw, where else? Facebook!

It starts with a Dream, then when you put a date on it, it becomes a Goal, then when you put together all steps involved, it becomes a Plan, then when you actually do the work, it becomes YOUR REALITY!

Xmas 2015
Our team enjoyed a busy December, giving back at the Daily Bread Food Bank, helping them set up their annual volunteer gala. We loved our Keller Williams Neighbourhood Realty annual Christmas party where we played at curling at the High Park Curling Club--- a fun Canadian past time! I’m not so proficient at yet, but there are always lots of laughs and good times to be had. And thanks go to our JKT admin staff, who annually host us at the Second City Comedy Club for their hilarious Christmas mayhem. Although the humour was a bit darker this year we saw ourselves in their funny reflection on society today.
Our team also got together in November at our beautiful new central offices at Davisville and Yonge for our Business Planning Sessions for 2016. That is where we start to turn Dreams into Reality! We’re constantly working to help our fantastic, wonderful clients achieve their real estate / family/financial goals. We realize how closely tied this is to many key aspects of our lives as a whole.
I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our newest fabulous member of the JKT family - Gini Rose. Gini is a Licensed Executive Administrator with many years of experience behind her in the real estate business. She is willing, able, keen, organized, proactive and supportive. Many of you have already had the pleasure of working with her, as she joined us in the Fall. We feel fortunate to have her, as a great resource and addition to our services. You can contact her at
On a personal note, I wish you all a very Healthy 2016. My family here in Toronto has been going through a challenging couple of months, as my Dad still in St. Mike’s hospital has battled an atypical and virulent version of pneumonia that we originally thought was the flu. Fortunately he is on the mend, slowly but surely, with a lot of love and support. Be sure to get your vaccinations, take care of your health, and hug your loved ones!
guiding you home,
P.S. Cheers to an exceptional year ahead! Let us help you or any friends or family you introduce us to, turn your Dreams into Reality!
- Julia Wehkamp is offering a few new free online courses focusing on incorporating art into your interior design and build. If you are interested visit The Art of Home Design Focusing on the Display of Collectible Art or Architecture, Art & Interior Design - The Roles & Responsibilities in Building a Living Collection
- Gord Shearn is the principal of gordongroup - Design & Management. They are a unique resource for our clients looking to buy a project to renovate. He recently worked with our clients in Roncesvalles and did an absolutely spectacular job creating style, space, light in an old house…
- Crystal Ammirato & Andrew Laramy are so happy to have finished their beautiful kitchen renovation and can now enjoy the entertaining space.
- Kevin & Lisa Janna proudly introduce Andres Stephen Janna into the world, born at home on December 18th 2015 weighing 7lbs 1oz. Wonderful news!

Kevin Lisa Janna with baby Andres Stephen Jana
- Tania Goecke & Mike Dickoff welcomed an early Christmas present! Their beautiful twins arrived early on December 23rd, 2015. Sebastian weighed in at 4 lbs 2 oz & Maxton weighed in at 2 lbs 13 oz. Best wishes!
Record TREB MLS® Home Sales in 2015
January 6, 2016 - The second best sales result on record for December capped off a record year for TREB MLS® home sales in the GTA. Toronto Real Estate Board President Mark McLean announced that the 2015 calendar year total was 101,299 – a substantial 9.2% increase compared to 2014 as a whole. Strong annual sales increases were experienced for all major home types last year.
"Home ownership is a quality long-term investment that families can live in while the value increases over time. A relatively strong regional economy in the GTA coupled with low borrowing costs kept a record number of households – first-time buyers and existing homeowners alike – confident in their ability to purchase and pay for a home over the long term,"
said Mr. McLean.
"If the market had benefitted from more listings, the 2015 sales total would have been greater. As it stands, we begin 2016 with a substantial amount of pent-up demand,"
continued Mr. McLean.
The average selling price for 2015 as a whole was $622,217 – up 9.8% from 2014. The MLS® HPI Composite Benchmark Price was up by a similar annual rate of 10 per cent in December. GTA home price growth was driven by the low-rise segments of the market, but condominium apartment price growth was generally well-above the rate of inflation as well through 2015.
"TREB will release its official 2016 outlook later in January, but suffice to say that the demand for ownership housing is expected to remain very strong in 2016. Despite stricter mortgage lending guidelines and the possibility of slightly higher borrowing costs, on average, there will be many buyers who remain upbeat on the purchase of ownership housing,"
said Jason Mercer, TREB's Director of Market Analysis.
Feeling like Giving Back?
Humanitarian Coalition – Syrian Refugee Crisis
Today more than 12 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria with more than 7 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The Humanitarian Coalition members (CARE Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan Canada and Save the Children Canada) have been on the ground dispensing vital supplies such as water, food, blankets, and medicines in Syria and in neighbouring countries.
To Donate Contact:
Examples of how your donations can help:
- $50 could purchase a kitchen set which will help a family to prepare, cook and eat hygienically, containing essential items such as pots, cutlery, mugs and plates.
- $90 can provide emergency food for 15 days.
- $100 can provide hygiene kit for two families – helping to prevent illness and infection
- $500 provides a month of fresh water for 30 families – helping to provide life to entire communities
Many of our clients have had their personal experiences with The JKT caught on video instead of the regular written word – they're even posted on YouTube! We so appreciate your kind testimonials. Our YouTube channel is growing exponentially and has had over 258,276 hits!

1. What is your perfect pizza?
I like ALOT of toppings on my pizza, but it would have to be wood oven with anchovies, onions, green olives, hot peppers, tons and tons of mushrooms. Not sure what that says about me?
2. If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen?
That would be a toss between how we came to be on this earth as humans or the winning lottery numbers in advance ☺
3. What keys on a keyboard do you not use?
I can honestly answer I do not know since I have literally typed off all of the covers on my keyboard, my entire board is blank just black keys and it really does not bother me. Thanks grade 9 typing class.
4. What question do you hate to answer?
This one! Haha
5. If you could be any age for 1 week, what age would that be?
23, when my son was first born. Call me crazy but it would be nice to see him as a baby again for 1 week. The time flies.
6. Do you feel that children should be sheltered from unhappiness?
Totally! You have your whole grown adult life to realize how crappy the world can be.
The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs (Genuine Evidence of Merit)
Allan, a long term client, finds a new home
with the JKT's help
I can endorse Julie in terms of being professional. Her and her team are unbelievable when it comes to be incredibly client focused and really helping clients, like Christine and I, to find a home that was right for them.
What they got!
More of our happy buyers have found their new home!
A continuing column of the Julie Kinnear Team's sales...
See a For Sale Sign/Sold you were wondering about? We are happy to let you know about houses in your neighbourhood - feel free to contact Claire at:
Our Purpose
Our purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the service we provide that you gladly refer us to your friends and family before you’ve even bought or sold with us!
Mortgage rates
Courtesy of Carrie Davidson - Dominion Lending Centres Service First Mortgages
#12089 License #M08003121
Phone: 416-693-6946
The JKT – A few of our Favourite things:
GiniHot coffee on a cold morning & warm boots on a frigid day!Bright sun after dark grey days. |
ClaireSuperhumans TV show. Amazing to see what humans can do when they learn to use more than 10% of their brain. I think we all have the power to push our minds more than we do and imagine the world if we did! So truly fascinating to watch. |
TylerMy Honeymoon in Hawaii! It’s never too late to take that honeymoon vacation you didn’t get a chance to. After getting married in the summer we enjoyed a relaxing week at the cottage but knew we wanted to eventually go to Hawaii. We are off for the month of January and will let you know some of our favourite sites in the next newsletter. Stay tuned! |
HollyJames Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke” videos. Stevie Wonder, Rod Stewart, Iggy Azalea, Adele, Justin Bieber, Jennifer Hudson and Taylor Swift have all participated. David Bowie’s farewell album "Blackstar" |
JenFitbit - I received a Fitbit for Christmas and I love it! It is fun to track your steps, duration of exercise, and how many hours I sleep!! Novelty hasn't worn off yet... |
JulieTechy toys! With my birthday at the end of November, plus Christmas, I was spoiled this year! Just love My new HERO4 GoPro Video/Still action camera! And my new Apple watch! |