Vol. 24, Issue 2, March 2016
Julie's Scoop
Well it is time for March break, which in the real estate business in Toronto usually means the calm before the storm and the surge of the busy spring market! Of course if you look in the MarketWatch article below in this newsletter you will find that the market this year is off to a super fast start.
Clearly Toronto is a great place to invest and when you own your principal residence there is no capital gains tax to pay upon sale. Now is a time when many downsizers are taking advantage of the growth in prices. And of course those famously low interest rates take the sting out of a large investment, and make it a benefit to buy and start paying off the mortgage fast.
Apparently this is old news… !
Real Estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be taken away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it’s the safest investment in the world.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I was honoured in January to speak at a large "Mega Agent" real estate seminar as a specialist teaching ideas on "BEST of the BEST MARKETING" where I shared the way a strong, successful, influential real estate business ( the JKT :))can thrive on a referral basis. This is the reason we created our new JKT Inukshuk Club to honour those who have referred our team to family and friends - see more info further down in newsletter. We are most grateful for their confidence in us. Most of our business does come from people who were introduced to us, which creates an inherent trust. It is one of the greatest gifts to the JKT when we are invited to help people through a major financial and emotional decision in their life and to be allowed to deeply focus on their needs to get the results they deserve. Please let me know if you have anyone you know who may need our help!
Our popular authoritative website and social media following has expanded our ability to reach more people. This is a benefit to any clients working with us.

At the Daily Bread Food Bank
Recently our team kept up with our commitment of fundraising and giving back to our community by spending a day volunteering at the Daily Bread Food Bank. Every time we all go there it's a new adventure and realization about how incredible that organization is, how organized they are, how in-depth it is and how much they require in infrastructure to help those less fortunate. It is definitely more of a "leg up" vs a "hand out" culture. This time we worked in the warehouse and did a lot of wrapping of skids of food going to different organizations. It is eye-opening and sobering to learn what is going on in our city that most of us don’t see.
Have a great March Break and Easter long weekend!
guiding you home,
P.S. See enclosed art / Kolouring Kontest for your child to fill in and scan and email back to us! Easter treats for all participants!
Quote of the day:
Chit chat…
- Gita Banks is here to help you Grow & Feed Your Dreams with Epicure! If you know of anyone that struggles with making CLEAN EATING a part of their families life or looking for short-cuts that make meals DELICIOUS yet SIMPLE? HOST a COOKING CLASS and have fun learning how! Contact Gita to find out more at or (647) 390-8331.
- Attention all dog owners! Heather Johnston is a Certified Small Animal Massage Practitioner and has just launched Flow Canine Wellness. A business aimed at providing information and resources to help Toronto dogs lead longer, healthier lives. She offers her services on a mobile basis or from a treatment room at her home in Roncesvalles Village. Canine therapeutic massage can deliver a whole host of benefits including: Preventing and relieving joint pain and inflammation in senior or joint compromised dogs. Building trust in puppies and rescue dogs. Providing comfort and pain relief to dogs in palliative care. If your dog isn’t moving like she used to, showing signs of lameness or pain after activity, or is recovering from an injury or surgery reach out to Heather at
- Dana & Duncan Ashworth love being the proud parents of Rowan James Ashworth born on November 25, 2015 weighing a healthy 7lbs. Welcome Rowan!
- Pete Lilly & Jackie Garrow welcomed their 2nd child Felix Douglas born on January 25th, 2016 weighing 7lbs and 3 oz. Big sister Ana is over the moon to have a baby brother. Welcome Felix!
- Tim Lidster & Anna Mather proudly introduce Remi Patrick Mather Lidster into the world weighing in at 7lbs and 3 oz, born on February 19th, 2016. Welcome Remi!
Record February Sales
March 3, 2016 - Toronto Real Estate Board President Mark McLean announced Greater Toronto Area REALTORS® reported a record number of home sales through TREB's MLS® System in February 2016. The # of transactions was up 21.1% compared to February 2015!
The number of new listings in TREB's MLS® System was also up on a year-over-year basis, but by a lesser 8.2 per cent. The fact that the annual rate of sales growth outstripped the annual rate of new listings growth shows a tightening of market conditions compared to last year.
"Even after accounting for the leap year day, sales were above the previous record for February set back in 2010. Sales were up strongly from the 15th day of the month onward as well, despite the new federal mortgage lending guidelines coming into effect that require at least a 10% down payment on the portion of purchase prices between $500,000 and $1,000,000," said Mr. McLean.
Seller's market conditions continued throughout the GTA in February. Strong competition between buyers resulted in a healthy growth in selling prices. The MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) Composite Benchmark was up by 11.3% year-over-year. The average selling price was up by 14.9% annually!
"Recent polling conducted for TREB by Ipsos suggested that GTA households will remain upbeat about purchasing a home in 2016. Early sales results for January and February certainly support this view. With strong sales up against a constrained supply of listings, home prices continued to trend strongly upward," said Jason Mercer, TREB's Director of Market Analysis.
Feeling like Giving Back? The Equality Effect "e2"
Tuesday March 8th was International Women’s Day so we thought it would be fitting to support one of our favourite girls-women’s charities.
The equality effect is a non-profit charity that uses international human rights law as a crowbar to pry open justice for women and girls around the world. Drawing on a team of feisty international lawyers- spearheaded by Toronto’s own Fiona Sampson, who is incredibly inspirational.
The equality effect uses human rights law to make the rights of girls & women real, so that they can be safe from sexual violence, get an education, and fulfill their economic potential. They are creating systemic lasting changes. In Kenya, the equality effect provided support for a constitutional claim against the government for failing to protect girls who had been raped; in May 2013. The work that led to this landmark ruling informs the equality effect’s newest project in Malawi that also seeks justice for victims of rape.
To Donate: Contact – The Equality Effect - 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto ON M5S 2R4
Phone: 416-720-7359
Canadian Charitable Registration # 84537 8009 RR0001
Many of our clients have had their personal experiences with The JKT caught on video instead of the regular written word – they're even posted on YouTube! We so appreciate your kind testimonials. Our YouTube channel is growing exponentially and has had over 265,601 hits!
The JKT Inukshuk Club Members
This year our team has decided to honour those people who have so generously referred us to their friends and family. We have nicknamed it the "JKT Inukshuk Club". Below is a sampling of some of the members. Thank you for your continued trust, support and loyalty!
The Julie Kinnear Team's GEMs
(Genuine Evidence of Merit)
Hi Julie, I'm just writing to tell you what an amazing experience we are having while working with Tyler in searching for a home in New Toronto.
We met Tyler a few weeks ago and I was immediately impressed with how thorough, careful and patient he was in his review and explanation of the local neighbourhood and every detail of the particular house we were visiting that evening.
This will be the third property I have purchased and I can truly say that I have never worked with an agent who is as knowledgeable and with as much integrity and dedication as Tyler. I really feel like Tyler is going the distance and is sincerely looking out for our immediate and future interests. It is refreshing to have that in an agent. I really commend you and your team for all of the great work so far and wish you continued success.
Catherine & Steve
What they got!
More of our happy buyers & sellers!
A continuing column of the Julie Kinnear Team’s sales…
See a For Sale Sign/Sold you were wondering about? We are happy to let you know about houses in your neighbourhood - feel free to contact Claire at:
Our Purpose
Our purpose is for you to be so outrageously happy with the service we provide that you gladly refer us to your friends and family before you’ve even bought or sold with us!
Mortgage rates
Courtesy of Carrie Davidson - Dominion Lending Centres Service First Mortgages #12089 License #M08003121 Phone: 416-693-6946
The JKT – A few of our Favourite things: