Queen’s Pasta Cafe (1vote) ShareTweetShareEmail0 SharesSE corner of Bloor & DurieShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Julie Kinnear More places Comments about “Queen’s Pasta Cafe” Kirsten Blokland said on January 15th, 2007 Queen’s Pasta Cafe offers the most mouth-watering pasta in town! In addition to the typical types of pasta dishes (all beautifully prepared), the menu offers many less-than-usual recipes, all of which are succulent. The service is outstanding, and the staff make our 5-year-old daughter feel most welcome. The prices are reasonable, given the quality of the food and the generous serving sizes. It’s our favorite BWV restaurant — we go there for most of our “special” family dinners out. Add a comment about this place; Tell us about you Your name Your email (will not be published) Your website (optional) Tell us what you are recommending Your rating No rating - comment only 1 stars 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Your review (more than five words) What is the colour of a lemon? (Not a riddle - just a trap for spambots!)