Trixie (2votes) ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares2313 Bloor W , Toronto ON M6S1P1ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Julie Kinnear More places Comments about “Trixie” Paige said on May 2nd, 2007 This store has it all! Fun, fashionable women’s clothing that you won’t find anywhere else. The staff are very helpful and friendly, it’s my favourite clothing store in the city! C said on June 4th, 2008 Trixie does have great fashions for sure! But please watch out for customer service. Returning things is not easy if not satisfied. I had a top that I wanted to return a day after purchase. I had the tag but it was not attached to the piece of clothing and they would not take it back and they were very very defensive even though I was not aggressive at all. Add a comment about this place; Tell us about you Your name Your email (will not be published) Your website (optional) Tell us what you are recommending Your rating No rating - comment only 1 stars 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Your review (more than five words) What is the colour of a lemon? (Not a riddle - just a trap for spambots!)