Extra Butter (1vote) ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares283 Roncesvalles Ave.ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Julie Kinnear More places Comments about “Extra Butter” stephanie said on September 11th, 2014 You know when your neighbourhood closes a store down and you find out the new store is ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP, you stop and think, how many coffee shops does one street need. My answer to this, as long as it’s Extra Butter than keep them coming! Their donuts are so perfectly sized and delicious (2.00). I treated myself one Sat. morning to the Maple Mustard Bacon Bun (4.00). As I relished in this piece of heaven I thought to myself this can become a very dangerous Saturday morning ritual. And you know what I work hard all week I deserve this bun so ritual it is!!! Please do yourself a favour and stop in for their incredible Americano’s with anything they make warm from the oven! Add a comment about this place; Tell us about you Your name Your email (will not be published) Your website (optional) Tell us what you are recommending Your rating No rating - comment only 1 stars 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Your review (more than five words) What is the colour of a lemon? (Not a riddle - just a trap for spambots!)