Mitzi’s Cafe: All-Day Brunch (1vote) ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares100 Sorauren Ave. (Roncesvalles), TorontoShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares Julie Kinnear More places Comments about “Mitzi’s Cafe: All-Day Brunch” stephanie said on May 2nd, 2011 Mitzi’s on Sorauren for brunch. Whatever it is they put on their homefries makes me crazy for them and the oatmeal pancake should come with a warning “you will need to have one every weekend”, I don’t even want to think of the calories!!! Such a great atmosphere, it’s a real neighbourhood hang out! They also have a new(ish) location at 890 College! Add a comment about this place; Tell us about you Your name Your email (will not be published) Your website (optional) Tell us what you are recommending Your rating No rating - comment only 1 stars 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Your review (more than five words) What is the colour of a lemon? (Not a riddle - just a trap for spambots!)