2007 September Krazy Kontest September 1, 2007 ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares September means one thing in North America: It's back to school time! If you're teaching your teens & tweens the value of being honest upstanding citizens, let us help you with our Krazy Back to Skool Kontest. We're offering one lucky winner the chance to win a $20 iTunes gift card - allowing you to buy & download a huge selection of songs, movies and trailers, CD's, TV shows and audiobooks from the iTunes store! And stay away from piracy which hurts us all. Just correctly answer this skill testing question for your chance to win!! Just answer the following skill testing question for your chance to win! One correct answer to the following skill-testing question will be drawn: What is the main concern with a house whose electrical service is too small? Safety It will get an inferiority complex Convenience Expensive upgrades Both 3 and 4 This contest has closed! ShareTweetShareEmail0 Shares